Fellowship Groups


In person – Ville St-Laurent: Meets alternate Thursdays. Light supper provided at 5:30pm, bible study begins at 6:00pm. For details contact Leanne at leanne.e.strauss@gmail.com.

In person – Ville St-Laurent: Meets alternate Tuesdays. Often Bible study, sometimes reading and discussing a book together. Begins at 7:30pm. For details contact Fatima: fatima@stmarkstpeter.org.

By Zoom: This group meets online so you are free to join from the comfort of your home! Alternate Tuesdays, 7pm: click here to join the meeting.

In person – Sud-Ouest/Verdun/South Shore: Meets two Saturdays per month — once per month for social time together, and once per month for prayer together. Contact Rev Chris Barrigar: chris@stmarkstpeter.org.